Thursday 1 August 2019

Top 3 new age personality development skills for millennials

personality development skills training

Do you think millennials really require personality development training? They all seem to be well groomed and carry themselves well in the new age corporate attire. They are smart and confident and know exactly what they want in life. They have big dreams and have already paved out the path to reach them well before they leave college. Then why do you think we would still be talking about personality development training for them?

Well, the fact is that personality is made up of two aspects. The outer personality which is made up of how we look and behave. And the inner personality which is made up of our attitude, motivation, values, fears, complexes and other thoughts and emotions. And while the inner personality is typically the one that we tend to ignore while working on changing our personality, its actually the one that contributes to 90% of our personality.

Now let me give you my top three areas which every personality development training for millennials needs to focus on. By the way, I am a millennial myself. So, I’am writing this through my own experience as well as feedback from others.  

1.       1.Openness to others
Though we are in a generation where we expect the world to be open to new ideas and opinions, very often we ourselves struggle to be open to other people’s ideas. We all want a society that is open to diversity and in fact often land up quarrelling with our own parents on their old school thoughts. But how open are we to accept their opinions and ideologies. After all, it’s a two-way street where openness has to be at both ends. Isn’t it?
Openness is difficult and can be elusive for many. But if you really want to improve in this aspect, attend a good personality development training and soft skill training. It will show you the mirror and help you get aware when you’re not. 

2.     2.  Being ourselves but considering others
Yes, in this new generation we want to be ourselves and not be judged by the society. But sometimes there needs to be consideration for others. For example, consider the situation on the roads today. More and more young drivers are rash and break traffic rules. While we need to enjoy our drive and get to our destination fast, we also need to ensure that we are not causing inconvenience or danger to others. A quick check to ensure we are being sensitive and not hurting other’s feelings or bothering someone else can really help.

3.      3. Behaviour and focus
We live in a technologically advanced world. We all carry smartphones and smartwatches. No one can deny the influence they have had on us. While they have made life easier, they have also led us to move around in society with literally no clue who is sitting next to us or who has passed by! We no more smile, shake hands, offer seats or talk to each other. Everyone is engrossed in their respective phones. And that’s the precise reason why we no longer feel heard and our suffering from huge complexes. We need to realise what technology is doing and break out of its grip. Come back to being human and corporate training help to fully present in every instance that life presents to us.

So, these are my top 3 skills which are extremely basic, but I see missing in millennials today. And hence, I feel personality development training is definitely an option for them.

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