Saturday 7 March 2015

Selling Skills – Improve your sales return multiple folds

Selling skills are all about learning how to identify the process consumers go through when deciding on a purchase. The application of appropriate selling techniques and skills at every stage of a sales process helps in closing more business than usual. Key skill areas included in selling skills training include new business prospecting, call planning, identifying the needs of customers, value presenting, managing feed backs, and gaining motivation and commitment.
 selling skills training
Any purchase decision by a customer generally goes through a five-step process.

1.      Openness
2.      Focus
3.      Knowledge
4.      Evaluation
5.      Decision

It is important for sales people to coordinate their sales process with the decision making process of the customers. Selling skills training helps sales team in the coordination and hopes to achieve the following.
 selling skills training
1.      Building of effective relationship with the customers
2.      Research strategies to generate greater interest among customers
3.      Techniques to identify the business priorities of customers
4.      Tips to overcome challenges and objections
5.      Motivation and commitment

The training provided is based on the concept that every organization is unique with its own processes, culture and challenges. Personalized training programs for every organization are offered with case studies, examples to better address the sales and challenges. The training is devised based on relevance to the participants. It is important to be an effective sales person without having to resort to pushy sales tricks.
 selling skills
All professionals be it sales professionals or non-sales professionals, require selling skills at some point of time. Learning how to generate and pitch your idea or service effectively is a useful skill to possess. Putting in plenty of preparation time is a good rule in successful selling skills. Customers tend to be more receptive with people who are thorough selling professionals.

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