Thursday 2 January 2020


Team building training
We, at The Yellow Spot have delivered a large number of team building trainings and events in the past 11 years. It’s our favourite offering and we are so good at it now, that we can conduct a team building training without any preparation at all!
Surprised? I was just kidding. Well, not the part where I said it is our favourite offering and we are good at it. I was kidding when I said we can do it without any preparation. In fact, we don’t do any corporate training programme without proper planning and preparation well in advance. But yes, we thoroughly enjoy doing team building trainings. Why? Let me tell you.
We love it because team building training is one such training programme where we can touch base upon many skills at a time. Team building activities can bring out multiple learnings like;
  1. Collaborating with our internal and external stakeholders
  2. Communicating effectively within the team
  3. Identifying team members’ skills and making use of them
  4. Managing resources and time effectively
  5. Planning and prioritisation of tasks
  6. Being open to each other’s suggestions and feedback
  7. Keeping the end goal in mind at all points of time
  8. Increasing team bonding and trust
  9. Building a positive culture, etc.
One of most important learning from team building training is the importance of having a leader and leadership skills.
I am sure some of you will say a leader needs to have separate leadership skills trainings where they learn leadership concepts. But trust me, team building trainings are great occasions to bring out the importance of leadership skills and what they entail. And why is that? Because a leader is nothing without his or her team. And there is no better ground to learn than with your team. After all, a leader is only a leader when he has followers! And so, learning about leadership is best done in the presence of one’s followers.
Always remember, a team will be well bonded if they have a good leader who binds them well and provides direction. Similarly, a leader can only be successful if he has a team who believes in him and draws inspiration from him. Now that’s called true interdependency!

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