Thursday 3 March 2016

Leadership Training or Awareness Training!

It’s funny how we sometimes suddenly stumble upon things when we are least expecting it. That’s exactly what happened to me this morning when I woke up. I suddenly realized that everything was about awareness. Here we all were, trying to understand the game of life, trying to get a hold on how to play it right so that we could be happy. We were running behind various things like money, fame and fortune, desperately trying to have good relationships with the people around us, trying to fulfill the many desires we have and trying to learn new skills to feel more fulfilled and satisfied in life.  But was it really helping? Were these things really able to fill the void that all of us feel inside? Was our constant endeavor of being better than the rest actually able to make us happy? Did having a bigger house, pot loads of money, more children or the best education really give us the happiness that we had been looking for? Well momentarily may be, but it certainly didn’t last the lifetime that we would have wanted it to.
Leadership Training
What awareness I am talking about. Awareness of what? Awareness of everything is my answer. Awareness of your feelings, awareness of your reactions, awareness of your joys, awareness of your pain, awareness of your thoughts, awareness of your physical sensations, awareness of your movements…In short, awareness of everything that you can possibly think off! When you can do this, it connects you to your source and that’s what I call true Leadership Training. Then you are the king and you can do whatever you feel like, the heart and soul of it and only then can the true leader inside you emerge.
Leadership Training
So what is the thing that can fill the pot of the beggar inside each and every one of us? It was simply connecting to ourselves. Connecting to the infinite source within us which could satisfy us endlessly and ensure that we felt abundance in every area of our lives. That source that would never go dry and would wipe out the loneliness that we all feel so very often. Yes, it was the source which could fulfill every desire of yours and ensure that you lived life to the fullest. Am sure you must be curious to know whether I learnt about this source in my dream or whether it really exists! Well, it really does exist and the way to reach it is not some difficult and complicated methodology that you have to practice. It’s the most simple thing that can possibly be, which is why we find it so difficult! Confused? Haven’t you noticed that we all love the most complicated things in life. In fact if we have a simple solution to a problem, we can never even see it as our mind always thinks “it couldn’t be that simple!” Similarly, we have made finding our source also complicated. Some of us pray or chant endlessly for it, some use techniques like Neuro LinguisticProgramming and Hypnotherapy to try to get close to it. However none of us take the time to actually find out what all these methods are trying to do. If you go deeper into each one of them, you will realize that they all have the same foundation. It’s like climbing up a mountain using different difficult methods. What would happen if I told you what the direct method was? It could seem a little steep to you in the initial phase as you are not used to climbing, but believe me, if you can get past the initial resistance, you won’t turn towards any other so called technique. It is after all what all the other methods make you do in disguise, one that is really the root of every method. It’s calledawareness.

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