Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Changing your World by Communication Skills Training

Communication means expressing your thoughts, feelings and emotions in a way that you get your desired result. Communication Skills Training is therefore the key to everything you want in today’s world.
Personally and professionally it is an extremely important tool if used with the right skills sets. Communication Skills training has hence gained a lot of popularity and is at the top of every corporate training calendar.
Lets understand how communication skills can bridge the gaps and achieve common goals by some common examples.
Example 1: Sudhir is a Manager in an MNC and has been working with them in the capacity of a manager since a long time. He is extremely good at his work and has been given targets by his boss, which he wants to achieve to ensure that his promotion comes through this time, as he now really wants to go to the next level.
He however is a very closed person and has never shared the targets openly with his team. He is an extremely pushy and demanding boss and keeps telling his team members what to do. They in turn just follow his instructions blindly without ever raising their voice. They are in fact afraid to talk to him and don’t enjoy working with him.This has led to high attrition in his team. It is due to his closed and aggressive communication style that he has not able to achieve his team goals and has been stuck in his position as a manager for years.
Example 2: Young and dynamic, Roy is a manager at the same level as Sudhir in another team. He has similar targets and a similar team size and has been working with this MNC since the past 1 year. Unlike Sudhir, he is not very hard working and even has less experience as compared to Sudhir.
He on the other hand has a very different approach towards his team members. He shares the targets with his team openly and brings them togetherto discuss how they plan to achieve the targets. Every morning he invites team members to discuss the challenges they are facing and takes team huddles. They then work together towards solving the problems being faced.
He knows each member personally and professionally and supports him or her wherever they require help. He questions team members in a way that helps them find their own answers rather than him telling them.
The team discusses their conflicts openly and is very well bonded. This open communication has helped the team achieve their targets before time and Roy is due for a promotion any time.
So what’s the difference in the two examples? While Sudhir had better skills, abilities and experience over Roy; his communication style was very closed and attitude quite negative. Hence he always faced difficulties with his team and was not able to grow. Roy on the other hand was open and approachable. He realised that the only way for him to grow was through the growth of his team. This was possible only by having a cohesive team, which had good communication amongst its members, the example being set by him, their leader. This was the power of exercising and learning effective communication skills.
Today we work in an environment where we deal with all kinds of people right from an office boy to the CEO of the company. The question we have to ask ourselves is whether we want to have results like Sudhir or like Roy.
We can’t change people however we can change their response to us by changing our own skills. We have to understand that each person is different and has a different personality type. If we are able to identify the persons personality type and adapt our communication as per their style, our association with them improves and we can get better results.
Effective communication begins with assessing our self first. We need to find out how our communication is with ourselves as well as some of our behaviors, which we display very often. We need to inquire and find out what kind of thoughts we keep getting, are these positive or negative, supportive or destructive. These will give us clues on our typical patterns.
The best time to identify how we think is to observe ourselves during difficult situations, how we behave and think during present difficult situations as well as how we dealt with one in the past. We can also ask others around us for feedback as that may open up a perspective we were unaware of. We can also spend time ‘doing nothing’ as that gives us the space to understand what we do when we are doing something! These open our ‘blind areas’ to and this awareness gives us the power to change. By observing ourselves our thoughts start changing and eventually our entire outlook towards life starts changing. Our beliefs, motivation, attitude change and in turn change our behavior. As our behavior changes, the response of those around us automatically starts changing.
Communication Skills Training for changing your Inner World
 Our Communication Skills Training focuses on changing your Inner Landscape
It is however important to remember that along with awareness, self-acceptance also plays a vital role. While it is easy to accept our good side with pride we also have to learn to accept our dark side with love. If we keep beating ourselves for the not so good, we get stuck in a negative loop and keep running the same old patterns. Acceptance is essential, as what we reject comes back again and again till we accept it. So also, our dark side keeps coming back until we accept it and let go of it.
Which all goes to say that all results finally depends upon us. We are the originator and hence what has to change to create the difference. When we change our communication the world around us changes. If you want to be a part of this change, visit us at http://www.theyellowspot.com/

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Using Emotional Intelligence Training in daily life

Have you ever been for a Personal Effectiveness or Personality Development Training before? If you go to any good institute, you will realize that a large portion of developing your personality actually boils down to how you handle your emotions, in other words, Emotional Intelligence Training.
For all those of you who keep reading our posts, you will realize that this is one of our favourite topics. Why, because we ourselves have been and are continuously going through the grind of training our own emotions. Yes I used the word training, which goes to say that emotions are not something that we need to suppress or fall prey to. We can actually tune them to ensure that we can make the best use of them and that is exactly what we teach you to do in our Emotional Intelligence Training.
So what are emotions?
Emotional Intelligence Training

Handling our Emotions

Energy in motion, yes, or you can simply take them as your minds way of communicating with you in a language other than words. So it’s like our minds have two ways of communicating with us really. One is through words which go down well with the intellectuals whilst the other is emotions, which go well with, well the emotional guys. Logical wasn’t that! So although we have both forms of communication running through all of us, we understand one of the forms a little better. So while some of us have the capability to develop a great IQ, that’s the intellectual guys, the rest of us can have the best EQ. So there’s really something for all of us to look forward toJ
So I fall into the emotional category as most of you would be knowing and like most of you, have always been asked to suppress the emotional bag that I carry around as nobody wants to see a cry baby! Sounds familiar? Am sure it does. However I now realize that suppression is most definitely not the way to go about it and the emotions we push under the carpet don’t get lost in oblivion but actually come out at rather distressing times and with double the force when you really don’t need them. That sounds familiar too, am pretty sure it does!
So what’s the way out, or should I ask is there any way out? Yes all my emotional friends there is and if you can master that way, your emotions will soon turn into your friend rather than an embarrassing foe! They will in fact tell you things about yourself that are stored deep into your subconscious that you would probably never have decoded through logical thinking. That in turn will give you the power to change, to change even all those things that you struggled at changing about yourself and were just not able to.
I sound like I’ve just come out from a fairytale, haven’t I! So let me make it sound a little more real by giving you an example.
So this was yesterday’s scene. I woke up in the morning and started thinking about all the things I had to do that day. I had a Doctor’s appointment in the afternoon and before that I had to check on my Boss’ cat as he was away on holiday on the cat was not used to being alone.  I calculated that overall that was going to take up around 4 hours of my time. On top of that we were going to start some carpentry and painting work in my house, I was overhauling our entire Knowledge Management system and I also had to get our database in place before the end of the month before our software expired. So I had a lot to do and as usual the more I thought about it the more I landed up getting stressed about how I would manage everything. I could just see myself going ballistic and getting frantic.
So what did I do to keep my emotions in place? Nothing. I just got in touch with them. No I havn’t completely lost my mind as you would think I have! That is the trick I’m talking about. You just have to stop what you are doing and allow yourself to feel your emotions rather than running away from them. So I ensured I did not carry my laptop to my Boss’ place. I could have easily sat there and completed some work but I realized that would have been escapism in that moment. So I went there and just sat with the stress I was feeling. I allowed myself to completely immerse in it, although frankly it felt horrible. Guess what, I came out of the stress pretty soon. I was up and about all ready to get back to completing the tasks I had. How, just by paying attention to my emotions and hearing what they had to say. The emotions told me how taking stress had become a habit and how I tend to fall into the stress cycle as soon as the number of tasks I have to complete increase. They also made me realize that I had no external pressure in this case but was unnecessarily putting pressure on myself, something which I have always done and something that was directly coming from my subconscious. This awareness actually gave me the power to recognize what was happening in me, stop and pay attention to it and then move on with renewed energy without suppressing the emotion. What was the result, I was relaxed and could do the assigned tasks without having my emotions running up and down. Now isn’t that great?
Want to learn how to do that? Come join our Personality Development Training and Emotional Intelligence Training sessions and we will show you how.
For more details about our Personal Effectiveness Training sessions and our other favourite sessions, please visit us at http://www.theyellowspot.com/