Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Making Corporate Training Successful

The Corporate Training Business has started booming in the country since 1991 and has reached new heights in the past decade. Not only have new international companies entered the market, the local ones have also strengthened their hold and offerings and new ones are cropping up regularly.
Apart from needing prior experience, there are no barriers faced as such when entering into this business.
While many players have entered the business, sustenance and growth only happen of those who add value to the client and fulfil their needs.
Corporate training companies in India have not restricted themselves to offering only training programs.
At The Yellow Spot, we also started as a corporate training company in Mumbai offering Soft and Behavioural skills training programs across the country and have gradually spread our wings across the country using a blended approach of offerings.
Corporate Training
Corporate Training using the Experiential Learning Approach
We recruited trainers at strategic locations and also empanelled them at other locations. This helped create a robust team across 50 locations across the country.Later we decided to move into the Organization Development, E-learning, Content Design and Development, Leadership Development, Coaching and the Mentoring space.
This opened up various avenues for us as well as helped expand the services we could offer our clients.
Many training companies have also created and specialised in their own products, creating a niche market for themselves. They have also started marketing some products and services offered by international players who were looking at strategic partnerships in the country.
For the client however the single question prevails as to how these offerings will suffice their needs and benefit their employees.
The answer is simple. Whether a soft skills training company, a hard skills training company, an e-learning company or a leadership development company, one has to do thorough diagnostic of the client environment. One has to dig deep into the people and place to know what is prevailing. Unless you know the current environment you cannot build a bridge for the better. Another important point to consider is that the current environment in the organization has to be understood neutrally keeping the Consultants biases aside.
The second step is to co-create a learning road map along with the client.  Unless the client is fully involved, a fruitful intervention cannot be designed. That’s where most of the training companies in India or corporate training companies in Mumbai, corporate training companies in Pune, training companies in Delhi, corporate training companies in Chennai, corporate training companies in Bangalore, corporate training companies in Kolkata, etc.  miss out.
The temptation of suggesting the pill before finding the root cause of the problem can be very strong and it can actually lead the intervention to go astray. The trap is at times also created by the client assuming the consultant to be the expert and the consultant offering himself as the expert.
The fact is that most of the programs that are not co created usually don’t meet their expectations.
Another very important aspect is sustenance of the learning. This again is a co supported requirement. The post intervention aspect is very strongly required and the most neglected at times. Most learning interventions don’t yield results because they are looked at as one time interventions and not much effort is made to sustain the learning. Regular learning circles, follow ups, refreshers, action plans, transfer climate, projects and length of interventions actually help in sustaining the learning environment and eventually making the intervention a success.
If a corporate training company focuses on these elements then success is bound to be theirs. This also then raises the question that can they learn to refuse when they feel the requirements of conducting a successful  learning intervention are not being met by the client?
To learn more about how to make your learning interventions more successful, visit us at http://www.theyellowspot.com/

Friday, 16 December 2016

Management Development Programs for Change

Management Development Programs primarily focus on skills development training. However Most of the Management Development programs fail to bring out desired results as the concerned stakeholders have not been involved in the change process and thorough diagnosis is usually missing.
Every program needs a thorough understanding about the current situation in the organization which is called as the organizational climate. Detailed analysis of the current culture can happen through sensing, systemic understanding of the organizations functioning, interviews, surveys, group discussions, detailed analysis and observation of the business and various departments. This preparatory work helps in determining if the gaps can be plugged by training alone or other interventions have to be looked upon.
Management Development Programs
Diagnosing the Organisational Climate Together
Usually training as standalone solution is never effective however many a times training programs and interventions are used as scape goats with a thought that training is the final ultimate solution and that becomes the biggest reason why training interventions fail miserably.
What also typically happens with internal and external consultants is that they decide the pill before doing the diagnostic as they feel that the tools they know and have learnt are the best approaches for the given problem. This usually leads to disaster.
What may be required is a thorough fact finding and brainstorming post the diagnosis about more long term sustainable changes using the right leverage points along with training interventions.
Once it gets established that training is the solution via detailed diagnostics, the next required step is to look at a strong supportive environment also called as transfer climate which will help the participants practice the learning’s.
This has to be provided by the HR, top management and the bosses without which the training program can become ineffective.  In fact most successful interventions carried out so far have a strong buy in and involvement of the HR and the business.
Another aspect required is action planning with regular follow up and refreshers courses apart from individual and group coaching.
Follow up on the action planning by the HR and the Business Heads/Managers is important to ensure that there is seriousness in applying the learning once the training program is complete. It also helps participants in keeping and remembering to keep the learning ready with them so that they may action it as and when required.
Learning also looses its essence if not repeated as participants forget in some time what they learnt and the role of refreshers becomes important here. This is the reason why one-off managerial skills development programs never bring desired results.  It is only a measured systemic development which helps in bringing the desired change over a period of time and when an organization focuses on quick fixes and overnight change, the results are usually poor and fruitless.
At The Yellow Spot, we strongly feel that it is not only the participants but their seniors, customers, peers and support functions who should also be considered as a part of interventions as they are the ones who also facilitate change by providing a transfer climate.
Hence the focus of any management development program or managerial skills training should not be limited to only participants and respective stakeholders should also be included.
To get the most out of your Management Development Programs, come visit us at http://www.theyellowspot.com/

Monday, 12 December 2016

Daily Dose of Leadership Training

Leadership Training or for that matter leadership, is a very broad term and is applicable to everyone, whether it is the watchman of the office, the CEO of a big company, a father or a husband at home. However it is often misunderstood as a term that most people link to leadership positions they hold in the society or in organizations.
So let's understand leadership a little more in depth to be able to know what it actually means.
I would like to share a real life scenario where i experienced leadership capabilities in a fried fish seller recently.
There is a fried fish seller who operates from the road near our office and I eat fried fish every other day from him. His fried fish are fresh and very tasty.
 This particular time that i visited him, he had just come back from a long holiday of over 3 months and I was wondering where he had been. When i asked him, he said that he had taken a break as the fish market is closed for 3 months of the monsoon season. I asked what he was doing for those 3 months and he said he drove an auto riksha for around 8 hours a day during these months.
 The next question I asked him was how he managed his house expenses with this business of fish selling being a part time business, to which he answered that it was difficult and he was just about able to manage. He also said that he was quite happy as he did not want to slog and do additional work like other people in his locality.
Leadership Training at its Best
The Happy Fisherman
 I wondered what could be the reason behind him not being interested in working harder and making more money for his family and finally landed up asking him. 
His answer was that he had 3 sons and spent a large part of the day in teaching them and ensuring that they get the best of education, love and nurturing. He said that as a part of his efforts his 2 sons were doing very well at school and he wanted them to grow and not be a fish seller like him. If he would have not spent time with his children then they would also have no future like him and would end up on the road. His wife was also at home and ensured she was available for the children and the husband all the time. The family was thus fully focused together in their goal of bringing up their children and giving them the best environment.
 I felt it was great to see the foresight of a father who was illiterate and had no formal education and I felt truly inspired. 
Now this was an example of pure leadership for me, where the father of the house had a larger vision for his family and children. He understood how not to get sucked into the daily routine of life and to keep his vision strong and worked on it day by day. He was also self aware and felt that earning loads of money was not as important as his children’s future.
If you look deeper into this story you can learn some valuable lessons like
Such examples are all around us at all points of time and there is a lot to learn from them and then experiment and imbibe into our routine life.  In fact it's easier to learn from the little things in life rather than trying to digest big theories!
We, at The Yellow Spot, feel that it all begins with starting to know the Self and learning how to manage the self. Managing the self requires insights into ones thoughts and feelings which leads to greater awareness  and what you get aware of can be more easily changed and most of the time even changes automatically!
It is said by the great mystics that "all change is only possible outside when you get in touch with your inside" and how true it is.
At The Yellow Spot, our leadership training programs focus on helping you to start observing yourself and the way you behave. We firmly believe that no leadership program can be successful unless it is able to bring change inside the individual and hence all our leadership skills training emphasize on the same.
Self Awareness is however also a process. It is not something that happens overnight and requires lots of patience and continuity. We deploy tools like the Gestalt Therapy, NLP, Transactional Analysis, Vipassana and Mindfulness as well as Human Process Labs to catalyse the process.
Our focus is on the whole individual rather than over one aspect of him. Once self awareness is developed, all other skills get easily imbibed. In fact we have to actually make individuals unlearn a lot to be able to start learning and practicing once again!
If you would like to be a part of our Leadership Training workshops, you can get in touch with us and visit our website page at http://www.theyellowspot.com/ for more details about our Leadership Training and other Soft Skills and Behavioural Training.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Appreciating diversity through Team Building Workshops

I read two very interesting theories yesterday which I could connect to our Team Building Workshops. The first one was on the learning cycle and the learning styles that we all have. As per the theory, commonly known as the Kolb’s Learning Cycle and Kolb’s Learning Styles respectively, we all have a typical learning cycle that we tend to follow and should follow for maximum learning. We go through a particular experience, we then like to observe what happened in the experience, reflect on it, draw our conclusions from it and then go ahead and test our conclusions.
So if I was to try to learn a skill at work, say how to handle irate customers how I would do it is:
  1. Experience: I first interact with an irate customer to know what happens in such a case
  1. Observation and Reflection: I recollect what happened in the interaction and try to reflect on various aspects like how the conversation went, what were the words and feelings exchanged, how I reacted or responded to what the customer said, etc.
  1. Conceptualisation: I now start drawing my conclusions as to what I need to do to handle the irate customer well or better like take a deep breath and allow the customer to vent while he is angry instead of defending myself
  1. Testing: I now go and try my conclusions on another irate customer to see if they are correct
The testing phase then gives rise to a new set of experiences and the cycle continues.
David Kolb goes on to say that although we all follow the same learning cycle, yet we all have different learning styles. So while somebody might prefer the observation and reflection part, others might learn more by testing and actually doing things.
The other theory I read was on how all of us use different areas of our brains for performing different functions. So although we all have similar faculties in the brain which can perform similar functions, the use of some come naturally to us whereas others just don’t. So while some of us may use our analytical areas more, others may use their intuitive faculties more. Now those using the analytical areas can also use the intuitive areas with practice, but it may be a strain as it’s not something that come naturally to them.
Another interesting thing that I found in this theory is that we like being around people who use similar brain parts to ourselves and normally become friends with such people. On the other hand, we are naturally attracted to those who use complementary brain parts to ours and choose such people as a mate as they tend to complete us as cover up our so called weaknesses.
So if you look at both theories, they give us great insights into teams. They both tell us that teams being made up of humans always have a common factor in them. They have similar ways of learning as well as similar brain functions. In that sense every team has a common thread running through it.
However, if you go a little deeper you will realise that teams also have diversity. They are made up of different people who differ in the way they like to learn and differ in the way that they make use of their brain functionalities.
Team Building Workshops
Diversity in Teams
So then is the commonality good or is the diversity good for a team? Am sure you all have the answer to this one and you will tell me that it’s really a no brainer! Both are good, the common pieces keep us bonded together as a single unit and the diversity helps us in performing a variety of functions which each team member excels in. Right?
My question to you is that although we all know this and say it, is it really something that we believe and practice? Is it something that really comes from our core? Do we really appreciate diversity?
The fact is that most of us are unfortunately unable to appreciate it although we may try very hard too! Why, because of an innate need to be accepted. Have you ever thought of why we like people who are similar to us? It’s because when someone is similar, it somewhere confirms to us that we are also alright which in turn makes us feel more accepted.
If you look at it the other way also, you will realise that we don’t like things which are different from us. Most of the conflicts in the world occur because of this. So we don’t like people who are of a different religion or from a different country or city. The conflicts that we have in office are also mostly because of different opinions and different personalities.
So is there some way to appreciate these differences then? Join our team building workshops and we will happily show you the way to have a bonded yet diversity appreciating team.
Visit our website http://www.theyellowspot.com/ to learn what skills your team members have and how you can leverage them.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Time Management Training or Mind Training?

Is Time Management Training really a thing? Or should I say is time really a thing that can be managed and that’s something that we can train you on?
Time is a very peculiar commodity. It is constant yet it changes! We all have 24 hours in a day, so in that sense it is constant. Yet at the same time it is variable too. It varies from people to people and even amongst the same person! Weird isn’t it? The number of hours in a day for the Prime Minister would probably seem like less than 24 whereas those for a retired man would seem like a lot more. You can see it in an individual too. Time seems to be flying by when we are watching a good movie and 2 hours really feel like an hour whereas when we are studying a subject we are not exceptionally fond off, even 30 minutes can feel like 2 hours!
How does this happen? It’s actually all to do with our minds. Frankly there is no change in the actual time available or spent; the only difference is in the way we perceive it. Why the difference in perception? It’s due to our mind.
Now let me tell you a secret. There is actually no time. It’s just something that has been created by us to give ourselves a platform to measure events against; something relative, created to keep everyone on the same page. This can be understood by when we connect to the present moment or should I say the direct neural network in our nervous systems.
There are 3 aspects that an event can be broken down into. The past, present and future. The past is what has happened previously and is over. The present is what is happening at this very instant. The future is what will happen after this present moment has passed. So each moment is a future moment, then becomes a present moment and then becomes the past, all in 3 superfast moments! Confused? It’s a bit of a funny concept as we have not really spent much time dwelling on it although it is continuously happening.
In fact I can see it clearly while I am writing this article. I frankly have no clue as to what I am writing (I know I wasn’t supposed to tell you that!), it’s just flowing through me. I have not really thought about what I am writing or what I am going to write, it’s just that something is coming to me and I am writing it down. So I really don’t have a clue of the future moments as I have no idea of what I am going to write, I am writing what is coming to me in the present moment and as soon as I write it it becomes the past! Since I am so ‘in the present moment’, I have no sense of time and do not even have the urge to measure it! All I know is that I am thoroughly enjoying writing this article and am feeling very fulfilled in doing the same.
Time Management Training needs you to connect to the now
This is the direct neural network I was talking about. When you connect to this network, time loses its meaning. Am sure you will ask me how then can I manage time while being connected to this network as I have lost complete sense of time?
It’s quite unbelievable until you actually do it. What happens in the present moment is that you don’t waste time thinking as such. Yes your working mind is working, or the conscious mind as you may call it. That is the minimal amount of mind needed to perform a task, like me typing in this case. I need my mind to instruct my fingers which keys to press for typing. The rest of my mind is not really on. I know that sounds absurd but it’s true. I am currently not making use of my subconscious mind which is actually the one that takes up a lot of our time. When we are just connected to the conscious mind, it feels like things are happening through you and you cease to get tired even though frankly you are working at a superfast speed without feeling the strain of it. When you work through the subconscious mind, there is a lot of processing that goes into it which wastes a lot of energy and time which we conserve if we just stick to the conscious mind.
The next question will be then how do we do this, right? How do we switch from our normal tendency of staying in the past and the future, (which is staying in the subconscious mind or as we call it operating from the default network) to operating from the conscious mind or the direct network. It’s done by simply staying in the present moment. Well it’s not that simply frankly because we have lost all practice of it. We knew how to do it as kids but have slowly forgotten the art. Whenever you realise you are going into the past or future, you gently bring your mind back to the present and then starts the magic. You will never have to ever manage your time once you get the hang of it.
To relearn this beautiful technique, you can definitely attend one of our Time Management Training sessions and we would be happy to assist you get back what was once yours!
So that’s me signing off and as I look at the time I have really written this article in superb time:)

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Inviting Corporate Trainers for Business Partner Program

I have been talking to a large number of soft skills trainers as of late. Actually soft skills trainers would be an incorrect tag, corporate trainers would be better. We have recently launched a Business Partner program wherein we work with trainers from different leagues of life across the globe, to give clients the best possible experience. Sounds interesting? The trainers we have spoken to found it too

Inviting Corporate Trainers for Business Partner

So let me tell you a little about the program to give you a better idea. You know how we have been working with various expert vendors to provide our clients with a wider range of offerings in fields like E-Learning, Organisational Development, Executive Coaching, Project Management, Risk Management, IT, Computers, Finance, etc. Well we thought since this model is working so well, let’s come up with a model for Freelance Trainers where we tie up with them and further broaden our offerings.
Now you must be wondering how this really works and how it benefits everybody. Let me explain.
How it Works: The corporate trainers that we tie up with go out into the market and represent us as Business Partners. So they get business in our name and we get it delivered. Simple isn’t it?

Benefits to Clients:
  1. They get greater variety in terms of offerings
  1. They get the most skilled trainers delivering their sessions
  1. They get to converse with trainers right from the start who understand their needs better and can offer them better solutions than Business Development Executives
  1. They can have their needs fulfilled at any location across the globe
  1. They can have a single company executing their PAN India assignments, giving them consistency and standardisation at all locations
  1. They know they will receive the best as far as quality, integrity and transparency goes as The Yellow Spot ensures these values are maintained even by its Business Partners
  1. They don’t need to worry about issues they may face with Freelancers like them falling sick and not turning up for the session as The Yellow Spot has around 80 to 100 consultants across the country and can easily arrange for a back-up
Benefits to Business Partners:
  1. They find it easy to get business as they have the backing of an 8 year old company with more than a 150 clients
  1. They can offer the client a session even if it is not something they are experts in or it is a PAN India assignment which they cannot deliver on their own
  1. They get preference for delivering sessions in which they have expertise and have brought business in
  2. They get support in business development and in content development, wherever required
  1. They get the experience of being an entrepreneur with the support of an established organisation and the motivation of being part of a large team
  1. They earn greater remuneration as they get a Business Development fee for every business they bring in and a Training Delivery fee for every session they deliver, besides being able to get a higher ticket value than they would have got as a freelancer
  1. They can work at their own pace as The Yellow Spot believes in proactiveness and taking initiative rather than imposing targets
  1. They can maintain their freedom as they can continue freelancing or running their own business

Benefits to The Yellow Spot:
  1. We have a large motivated team reaching out to more and more clients
  1. Our sales team has a good understanding of delivery and hence brings home a better understanding of the requirement
  1. We have more expertise on our team and can offer our clients more
  1. We get to help trainers who are really interested in learning more
  1. We get to learn more through sharing
  1. We can reach out and help more participants through the quality and passion that we offer

Well those are the points that I can currently think of, am sure there must be more that you can think of. I’m hoping you must have got an idea about this program and why we keen to promote it. It’s really a Win-Win-Win solution for the Client, Business Partner and Us. Isn’t that just great!
Visit us at http://www.theyellowspot.info/ to know more or call us on +91 9769733305. See you soon:)

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Communication Skills Training using Body, Voice, Words

Communication skills training is the most essential form of training as communication is the most elementary skill required by humans since the inception of humanity, without which any contact between two beings would have been impossible. In fact it is not only restricted to humans but extends to all living creatures as they also use some form of communication, although we may be far from understanding it!
Communication has been around since a very very very long time. The only thing that has really changed in it is that it’s got a little refined as we moved down the time line, but otherwise the purpose remains pretty much the same.

The evolution of language and communication skills training
From Cavemen to Common Day Men, nothing has really changed!!!

In the early hunter days, we used it more as a means to survive. We depended more on body language, gestures and making peculiar sounds to indicate to one another when there was danger or when there was food around. Language frankly took quite some time to evolve, which is probably why it still forms a very small percentage of our communication. Yes it’s true, words only form 7% of our face to face communication whereas body language and the way in which we speak the words form a whopping 93%. Shocked? I was too and we actually spend so much time trying to perfect our vocabulary, don’t we!
Communication has been the key in the social space as we evolved as species and it started playing a major role in our social as well as professional success. As languages evolved, communication started getting more and more sophisticated with more and more emphasis being laid on verbal and written communication. However, these continue to be impoverished modes of true contact with other individuals as that can only happen by putting those things in place that really matter, body language and voice. Let’s say it’s like a wedding cake with many layers of cake. Body Language forms the lower most layer, the solid foundation, while voice is the middle layer. The cake can be complete with just the base layer as is with body language, a powerful way of expressing, in fact one which is adept at expressing all by itself.  Voice provides the next layer, the base of the upper layers of word. Truly, words without the lower layer of voice are quite empty and can more often than not lead to gaps in understanding what we are really trying to say. Remember the last time you misunderstood the meaning of an ambiguous word because you either did not have access to the emotion behind it or were not too successful is deciphering it correctly? So are words important then? Let’s just say that they are the couple standing on the top of the cake. They add to the beauty of the cake and often mesmerize us and keep our attention fixed on them, often leading us to miss out the beauty of the lower and middle layers! Nonetheless, they make the cake more attractive and if we can remember to look at the entire cake in a balanced and non-partial manner then they can be quite a completing factor!
The current predominantly ‘word’ modes of communication we typically use are telephone, e-mail and how can we forget, social media. These make use of mostly verbal and written modes of communication and have done a pretty good job of bringing the world together and making it a smaller place. The question then is that have they really made it a smaller place? Are people really closer to each other than they were before?
Well they have definitely made it a lot easier for people to communicate. The Facebooks, LinkedIn, Whatsapp and Twitters have done wonders when it comes to making people a click or should I say a tap away. In fact they have eased communication for introverts like me who are more comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions through the written word. However they have not done very well when it comes to bonding for many people. The virtual world has torn apart many relationships by reducing face to face interactions with our near and dear ones. We have started spending so much time in the virtual world that quality time with our family has really taken a back seat and will soon be a thing of the past! With less family time being spent, families are breaking apart and we have seen an unprecedented rise in the number of divorce cases as well as suicides being committed. While everything looks perfect and rosy in the unreal world, relations are becoming fragile and communication is deteriorating in the real world.
So does that mean this form of communication is bad? No. It just means that is being used in an unbalanced manner. As with all things in this world, balance is at the centre of everything. Everything ever created can have a positive and a negative side, depending on the way you use it. The same goes with communication. It has to be used in a moderate manner. Some things have to be spoken while others need not be expressed. Some need to be expressed using the body while others using words. Some need to be expressed in a specific way to ensure that they do not make the recipient uncomfortable.
We invite you to come and learn the art of communication through the communication skills training that we conduct. Whether it is better expression through the body, voice or words; our communication skills training will help you go to the next level using a range of different techniques that help us communicate better with you:)

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Selling Skills Training Companies That Give It All

What do you think is really important when it comes to selling skills? I’m sure a lot of you would say product knowledge. Very true indeed, but do you think that that’s the only thing needed to sell well? What about communicating the product knowledge that we have? Do you think that we will be successful at selling a product if we know our product very well but are unable to talk about it? So what happens if we have our product knowledge and our basic communication skills in place but have no idea about the psychology of our buyers and what they want? Wont we waste a lot of time in trying to sell something that either they don’t want or land up selling in a way that does not exactly match their mental make-up!
So now let me ask you the question again. What is that soft skills training companies should equip their participants with in a selling skills training? Let’s look at the points one by one to get a deeper understanding:

  1. Product Knowledge : This is undoubtedly the first point and without it a sales persons will really reach nowhere! He needs to be well trained in the product and have an in depth knowledge into its various segments. For this, the training needs to give him the knowledge and test him to find out how much he has retained. The trainee also needs to do his own research, which includes going on the internet and finding out more about the product as well as reading pamphlets, brochures, manuals and other paraphernalia that might be available. This will also help him feel more confident.
  1. Attitude : Another essential. Whether it is having a helpful attitude and wanting to sell a product to a customer who would be useful to him / her or having a never-say-die attitude and motivating you to keep going, a good attitude tops the list of most haves. Resilience is a rare commodity, but who said it cannot be cultivated!
  1. Communication Skills : Now this entails a large number of skills. It could have basic skills like questioning and listening to converse with the client and find out more about his / her needs or even more complex skills like negotiation skills. Whichever way, these skills are essential and will go far in transferring product knowledge to the client and in turn gaining an understanding of what the client wants.
  1. Etiquette : This doubles up as a hygiene factor as well as a wow factor depending upon the expectation of the client. So while being well dressed and polite may be impressive for one client it may just be the bare essential for another. Either way, maintaining etiquette is of utmost importance. After all, you don’t want to lose out on selling a great product just because you didn’t shave in the morning or you had a sad tone while conversing with the client on the phone!
  1. Customer Profiling : This is again important to understand the customer. Only once we understand a customer well can we actually figure out what he/she may want. Personality profiling is a great way to understand the different types of people ad what each of them would want. Understanding the customer’s needs also comes through by having good communication skills.
  1. Objection Handling  : It is always good to learn from the mistakes of others rather than to have to invent the wheel every time and an objection list can really help do that. Have all the experienced executives pool in and come up with a list of objections they have faced in the past. Also ask them to come up with ways in which they handled the same successfully or they could have handled at that point of time. This can be a ready reckoner for new executives and can help them feel more confident by being more in tune with queries that customers are more likely to raise.
  1. Competition Analysis  : Knowing what competitors are doing is good, not to put them down but to give you a good idea about your own Unique Selling Points and what different you can offer your client. However, trainees must be taught not to use this knowledge as a tool to pull other’s down as that can set a rather poor impression of the company!

  1. Neuro Linguistic Programming  : This is a great way to get into the psyche of the customer without him/her even knowing it. Techniques like mirroring can be used successfully which directly influence the subconscious mind and may help you tilt the weighing scale in your favour. Now wouldn’t you want to learn that!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Effective Ways Of Making Corporate Training In India Engaging

What is the first image that develops in your mind when you think about corporate training? All that flashes in front of your eyes is a boring training session focusing on the core topics such as basic skills, industry regulations, amendments and other related stuff. Learning does not take place only in the classroom, it involves learning from everything, be it a situation, condition or a person. Is corporate training in India a boring business? Want to make it engaging? Here are some of the effective ways of making the session of corporate training an engaging one:
 corporate training companies
§     Make Use Of Pictures
In Bangalore, a lot of corporate training companies have made use of pictures to depict the fundamentals. This is because the brain can understand and remember things more when given in a visual format rather than as a piece of write up. According to studies, nearly 94% of trainers responded positively when made to understand certain basic skills via pictures instead of talks. This is the reason most of the trainers are now using pictures to make the content crystal clear.

§     Content Must Be Crisp
Employees usually lack a lot of time for spending on reading lengthy contents. Such long contents usually distract the employees. If the sections of contents are kept brief and to the point, keeping the learners glued to the training session is not that difficult. Even if a big topic needs to be covered in a particular session, try breaking it up in smaller chapters to keep intact the interest of your learners.
 corporate training India
§     Keep The Audience Engaged
A lot of the task of keeping the audience engaged depends upon the trainer. If the trainer is active, the session can never turn out to be boring. Never let the learners simply read the slides. For this reason, a short quiz must be conducted at the end of each and every corporate training session. This will allow the people to review what they have understood.

§     A Compelling Title
Usually the different sessions that are conducted during corporate training have titles which are generic, typical and boring. Often the learners are dissuaded from the course at the beginning after reading the title. If you add some out of the box title, the employees will be inquisitive to know what actually will happen in the corporate training program.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Personality Development- An Amazingly Effective Measure To Ensure Company’s Growth

Personality development is defined as the qualified persistent pattern of feeling or thoughts of an individual that differ him from another one. According to the postulates mentioned in Personality psychology, a person’s personality develops initially and it profoundly continues to change throughout his entire lifetime. One’s thoughts and action are undoubtedly required to be in righteous direction. Because it is our thinking that leads us to action. A confidence boost helps great to developing a person’s personality.
Personality Development
Behaviour growth is a skill that helps in enhancing and grooming one’s innermost and outermost personality traits. It can be refined over time and polished over experience. Training employees with personality development sessions tends to create a win-win situation for the company and the employee respectively. The job competence is positively improved at an alarming rate, which in the turn delivers job satisfaction feeling to the employee which ultimately makes way for the organization’s growth.  Following are the key areas on which we insist our clients to focus for building an effective personality in time to come. Concentrate on:
Behaviour Growth
1.      Developing enormous confidence

2.      Being the way you are, for the original is always worth more than a copy.

3.      Adapting a compelling body language

4.      Paying attention on what you wear

5.      Displaying courtesy when or when not at work

6.      Uncovering secret areas of your interest

7.      Having an ear for everything

8.      Stop being a dull boy without any play

9.      Facing fresh audience at certain intervals in time

1.  Projecting your opinions and winning hearts

We will pour every last drop of knowledge we possess, in turning your more personality conscious by helping you grow dominant personality and sustaining it in the years to come. Our every effort projects at the hysterical growth of your organization by excelling always when it comes to company-employee relationships. We will develop personality in your organization’s employees in such a fashion that is way better than any other competitor in the market.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

What Selling Skills You Must Learn From Selling Skills Training?

After creating a successful line up, what any entrepreneur requires is a set of selling skills which works well in the real world. The foremost thing one must learn to grab a hands on sales experience is to learn the psychics of the bunch of individuals who are going to buy the product that you are selling. Learning about the different spheres of selling is a major yet manageable challenge for all the entrepreneurs out there. If you are also an entrepreneur worries for the sales part of your product, we bring here some of the important lessons which are imparted during the selling skills training session:
 Selling Skills Training
Q                     Comfort Factor

In every business lesson, the entrepreneur is always asked to move out of the comfort zone. But when it comes to selling, the first step is to find a level of comfort with selling. For gaining the confidence and the penetrated knowledge on the subject of selling, the guidance of the mentors and bosses mixed with a certain level of comfort can work wonders.

Q                     Never Make Assumptions

'I know them better', this is a mistake often made by small business entrepreneur. They presume that they are well aware with the needs of their targeted set of customers and are making the right kind of sales strategy to satisfy them. This is surely not the correct path. Instead, one must ask certain questions from the customers in order to learn the sales driving force. This way, the business can learn about the criteria the customers use in making the buying decision.

Q                     Know The TargetAudience

In order to refine your business and sales strategy, it becomes imperative to know and understand the bunch of audience you are targeting. By knowing the target audience, the selling skills can be applied in an effective manner. Always remember you cannot satisfy one and all at the same time, hence knowing whom to satisfy and delight becomes of great importance.

Q                     Give Time ForCustomer Relationship Building

A customer relationship can never be built in nano seconds. Customers do take a lot of time in trusting the brand and its products. The deadliest mistake committed by entrepreneurs is failing to establish relationship with their customers. Always remember the first thing you are going to sell is nothing but you. If the customer does not like you, then it is assured that he is never going to purchase your product. Thus, instead of sending standardized messages to your customers, try sending personalized messages and Emails. The more face time you invest on your customers, more the profit you are going to achieve.

Q                     Sales Is A DailyProcess

Sales is not that aspect of the business which can be left in abeyance even for a single day. It is something which you must do on a daily basis. Even if you are the one who is wearing all the hats in the company, make it a point to spare at least two hours on a daily basis for sales activities. Set a weakly goal for the sales activities and meet a minimum of 10 prospective clients in a week's time for getting a better sales value.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

What Leadership Skills Training You Must Have As You Scale Your Company?

A lot has been written and read on how entrepreneurs should lead their startups, but very little material is present on how the entrepreneurs need to lead their startups as it scales up in order to accommodate growth. The founders indeed require some sort of leadership skills training when the company moves from the beginner level to the growth level. The leadership tactics must scale up as the startup scales up. During the early stages of the company, the leaders need to give a different set of directions to their staff so that the operation continues at a warp speed. But as it continues to grow, a more evolving structure is required that requires the leader to use a different sort of tactics.

 Leadership Skills Training

Here's the set of skills a leader must incorporate to lead the company in the right manner:

When a company moves towards growth, it witnesses a transition where each of the individual contributor is set to essay a different role, from managers to that of a leader. In a blink of eye, the role of a manger becomes more challenging and innovating as he is all set to wear the hat that of a leader. There must be a clarity in the transition that will come when the necessary training has been taken. The managers must know their personal as well a team responsibilities. To turn your managers intoeffective leaders all sorts of support and resources must be given.

·      Vigilant Must Be In Traits
A lot of leaders commit this mistake of remaining vigilant only in the initial stages of the business and as the business climbs the ladder, the vigilant attitude just vanishes. A number of leadership programs, gave the direction to the entrepreneurs to identify the unmet needs of the target audience and address them in real time. For identifying and satisfying the unmet needs, a vigilant attitude is the basic necessity.

·      The Leader's Presence
The entrepreneurs as leaders tend to be physically present every time when the organisation is young. But as the company scales, the presence of the leader physically as well as mentally tends to decrease in the company. According to a research conducted by a leadership training company in Mumbai, a manager tends to waste as much as 80 % of the time on things which have no correlation with the long term value of the company. Thus, this transition from presence to absence may impact the company in a negative manner. In case the entrepreneurs can not visit the company on a regular basis, they must make sure that communication effectiveness is maintained in the organisation.

·      Administrative Duties
When the company expands, the administrative duties tend to become wider. As the company expands further, there comes a point when the company needs to make the decision of handling the administration in its own hands or outsourcing the same to some assistant organisation. If you don't decide on these lines, the interest of the employees will be at stake and that would affect the productivity of the employees in an adverse manner.