Management Skills Training is
a very broad term and can include
various different types of trainings. While it may also include the technical
skills required to get a job done as well as the soft skills required doing the
job well, Management Skills Training basically
points towards training used to manage people well. In other words, training
that teaches us how to handle our teams well.
Today let’s have a look at one particular aspect of this type of training
called Managerial Communication Skills. We
all know what Communication Skills training consists of, but what is ManagerialCommunication Skills training made up of? Simply put, it pertains to that part
of communication which helps us in managing our teams better.
Let’s go a little deeper into understanding what this really means.
What is communication? It’s a transfer of information from point A to
point B. considering A to be a Manager and B to be his / her subordinate or vice-a-versa
we get a Managerial Communication situation. So what’s so special about this
situation? Why should it be handled differently and why is it given so much
Am sure you all would have heard of the term “Employees don’t leave
Organizations, they leave their Bosses.” Sounds familiar? A very true statement
I must say and a very common situation in today’s times. So if an employee does
not get along with his manager what does he do to solve the situation? He
simply leaves the organization and lands up with another manager with whom the
entire story repeats!
So what can we do so that the employee and his boss get along with each
other and does not have to leave the organisation? Improve the communication
between them. Of course that may not be the only solution to improve their
relationship but it is definitely a major one!
How are we going to go about doing this? By making both of them more
aware about each other’s needs.
One way to understand one another better is by getting an insight into each
other’s personality. More often than not, differences in personalities are at
the heart of day to day conflicts and an understanding into these increases
tolerance towards each other. It helps us in understanding why the other person
behaves in the way they do and what we can do to “get through to them” and
communicate with them in a manner that they can understand and accept well.
A lot of onus also goes on how to give and receive feedback. This once
again is based on personality styles. Some of us love being praised in front of
others while some of us would prefer to receive a pat on our backs in private.
Even more, there are some of us who enjoy the physical pat whilst others are
more than happy with just a verbal one. This was as far as positive feedback is
concerned, what about negative feedback? Remember, that negative feedback is
always given in private, whether to an introvert or an extrovert. Nobody likes
to be belittled In front of others as it gives a serious blow to the ego,
something few can take.
Another aspect is openness in communication. We all tend to have set ways
of doing things. We are wired in different ways and unfortunately tend to stick
to our wiring, forgetting that others are wired differently and hence their
ways of thinking and doing are different. What seems right for us may not seem
right for them. However we forget this and tend to put up a fight when asked to
budge from them.