Thursday, 16 April 2015

4 Tips for Striking Work Life Balance

These days, people are finding it hard to strike a balance between work and life because of their 'always on job's requirement. Nearly a billion people each day thinks of ways of reconciling life and work together; but the issue is not a bed of roses. To help each and every entrepreneur as well as employees in striking the right chords, here are some of the efficient tips for striking as well as maintaining work lifebalance. Have a look:
1.      Identification of needs
First and foremost tip is to identify what is significant and then communicate the same to peers and managers; so that a proper solution can be worked out. For instance, if it is necessary for you to have 9pm dinner with family, communicate with them so that a proper time schedule can be formed taking into consideration the needs of organisation as well as employee.

2.      Strive for excellence; and not perfection
A perfectionist attitude gels well during growing up days; but as the family grows and responsibilities zoom in, an eye of perfection can bring stress and troubles. This habit of being perfectionist can bring destruction to your personal life. Hence strive for excelling in a field and not being perfect in it.
3.      A time schedule
We plan everything in advance for a week, which includes a time schedule for meetings with clients. Add into that schedule, the meetings with family members and other family dinners that you need to attend to recharge yourself. Taking out time for family and friends in your schedule adds value to your vision and efficiency.

4.      Exercise and meditation
These are the keys for harmony. Even if you are busy, you do eat and go to loo; sowhy are exercise and meditation left in abeyance? Meditation is an effective stress buster. It lifts up your mood and also fills in positive energy into your body. This way your body rests at ease, which will surely be reflected in your working style becoming effective and efficient.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Soft skills Training to Growth and Development of an organization

What are soft skills? They are the skills which an individual possesses in form of his emotional quotient which is his etiquette, behaviour, communication, presentation, leadership etc. They are about his personality, social skills, language skills, habits, friendliness etc.

Soft skills are quite unlike hard skills which are easy measurable.
 Soft Skills
Soft skills play a very important role in the development and growth of a person as well as organization. Hence today’s organizations are getting more and more focused towards enhancing the soft skills of their employees through soft skills training.  They also conduct various assessments before hiring an employee as to where does he stand on various soft skills required for the employee to possess so that they can be utilized for the growth of the organization.
Soft Skills Training

Example of one of the assessments is 16 PF and MBTI.

Similarly when employees get promotions they are assessed more and more on soft and behavioural skills for the future role. Post the assessment they undergo soft skills training to close the gaps identified during the development centre.

Either an internal faculty or an external trainer is hired to conduct programs which enhance the capabilities and close the skills gap.
 Soft Skills Training in India
As more and more organizations grow more emphasis is laid on soft skills training in India. The industry is growing by day and night with new players entering from international market as well as domestic companies coming up on a regular basis with new products and services.

In the last ten years behavioural skills training inIndia has grown multi-fold. This has also led rise to many free lance consultants who have past consultancy and training experience to leave their jobs and work as free lance trainers.
 Soft Skills Training

Soft skills training in India has now forayed into Classroom Led Trainings, E-Learning, One on one Executive Coaching, Life coaching, Web based training, Chat based training, satellite training and programs through learning management systems.  

Monday, 6 April 2015

Managerial Skills – Enhance your Ability to Manage Effectively and Powerfully

To manage a company effectively, managerial skills are mandatory. Management is not an ordinary task. The knowledge and ability of an individual in a managerial position is to effectively carry out the activities and tasks that his or her position demands. These skills can be learned, or acquired through practical experiences.
 managerial skills
There are three types of managerial skills as identified by Robert Kartz.

1.      Technical – the subject knowledge and technical skills required for the position.
2.      Conceptual - The ability to think innovatively, understand and analyze complicated and abstract tasks
3.      Interpersonal – Includes the emotional intelligence, appropriate behavior, body language, posture, listening skills and sensitivity to audience reaction.

Apart from these skills, it is also critical for a manager to possess effective communication skills.

Managerial communication skills are all about strategic communication. Thinking purposefully about the message to be conveyed allows managers to interact effectively with others and achieve the set goals. The communication can either be persuasive or informative.
 managerial communication skills
There are many elements concerned with communicating effectively for Managers to consider while orally interacting.

1.      Aim of the communication
2.      Level of Formality – Based on relationships and hierarchy
3.      Considering the audience – their prior knowledge and ability to understand your message
4.      The cultural aspects
5.      Using visual aids
6.      Handouts
7.      Considering the feedback from audience
8.      Voice modulation and tone of voice
9.      Eye contact
10.  Positioning

While interacting through written communication, the text type, the document length and style, structuring of argument, level of detail and adherence to reference conventions are to be taken into account.
Effective managerial and communicationskills are necessary for managers to gain entry and be successful in their positions and their future since in a workplace they will be required to interact with multiple individuals of different hierarchy and positions.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Corporate Training Companies in India – Soar to new heights as Employee Capability Becomes a Priority in Corporate Companies

Researches show that, the key challenge that organizations face today is the “skills supply chain”. Capability gaps have been identified as one of the most challenging issue by around seventy percent of organizations and most companies state that to take a seasoned professional and make him completely productive, it takes them at least three to five years. The skills challenge is massive with the requirement for skilled professionals growing and the number of graduates falling far below the requirements. This makes corporate training a very important part of today’s organizations.
More and more corporate trainingcompanies in India are emerging in the corporate training space as bigger companies are extending their budget to accommodate the training costs of professionals. This is fruitful for everyone right from employees to the training companies to the job seekers.

For a specified fee, companies get access to existing online courses or can get courses tailor made for their organization.
Corporate training is an important indicator of Economic growth of a country. India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world but we still have a long way to go in achieving the economic power house status. In strengthening of human resources with proper training, learning and development plays an important role.
In India, corporate training companies in Mumbai offer different type of solutions. They offer solutions helpful to maximize productivity or providing pre-hire training or on the job training.